Goddess Gods - Saraswati Shiva - Lakshmi Brahma - Durga Vishnu are Siblings -Ones Sibling Others Spouse
Thursday, 23 December 2021
Friday, 22 October 2021
Friday, 27 August 2021
Parvati, the wife of Shiva, once got confused and performed patha pooja (ablution of feet, considered an act of respect) to Brahma, instead of Shiva. Shiva got enraged and cut off one of Brahma's heads; the cut head got stuck in his hand due to Brahma's curse.
To get rid off the sin, Shiva worshipped Vishnu at Thirukarambanur as Bhikshatana, where a part of his sin was relieved.
He got his curse fully relieved after visiting Vishnu at Thirukandiyur and taking a holy dip in the temple tank, Kamala Pushkarani. Since Vishnu relieved (vimochana) the sin (saabha) of Shiva (also called Hara), the temple is called Hara Sabha Vimochana temple. After the incident, the tank came to be known as Kapala Theertham (kapala indicates skull). Shiva was pleased and he built the Hara Sabha Vimochana temple and also built a temple for himself near it.
As per another legend, Lakshmi, the consort of Vishnu requested Shiva to cut off one of the heads of Brahma as she felt that Vishnu would ignore her and show all his affection towards Brahma. Sage Bhrigu, King Mahabali and Chandra (Moon) all got their sins relieved worshipping Vishnu here in the temple. Sage Bhrigu, once wanted to test the superior of Vishnu, Brahma and Shiva. He kicked Vishnu in his chest in anger and got relieved of the sin here. Chandra, who sinned by seducing the preceptor's wife, got partially relieved of it by worshipping Hara Saabha Vimochana Perumal.
Thursday, 26 August 2021
Tuesday, 17 August 2021
Sunday, 1 August 2021
Thursday, 22 July 2021
It is a general practice to meditate, describe and worship male forms or deities from
- feet to head upwards, and
- female forms or deities from head to feet downwards.
Friday, 16 July 2021
Monday, 12 July 2021
Bhavnath is surrounded by mountains on three sides
Shiva and Parvati were traveling over the Girnar Hills their divine garment fell over the present Mrigi Kund
Lili Parikrama is believed to be pious because it is believed that Lord Dattatrey himself descends down to Earth and stays here these five days to bless his devotees.
Sunday, 11 July 2021
“Darshnasparshanechaasya Bhogaswargaapavargadhe Puneetho Viprahathyaadhi Paathakaihpathitham janam Dandahshambhurumaa Thanthree kakubhah kamalapathihi Indiraapathrikaa Brahma Thumbu Naabhih saraswathee Dorako Vaasukeerjeeva Sudhamshuh Saarika Ravihi Sarvadevamayee thasmaath Veeneeyam Sarvamangalaa”.
The meaning is like this: Even if one sees or touches the Veena it bestows comfort both during and after one’s lifetime. It cleanses and purifies all sins and evils of not only the downtrodden but also of those who have committed heinous crimes. The Author further attributes different Gods to the different parts of the Veena.
- Lord Siva in the body,
- Parvathi in the strings,
- Vishnu in the bridge,
- Lakshmi in the Main resonator,
- Brahma in the secondary resonator,
- Saraswathi in the naabhi (center part of the chest board which resonates the sound),
- Vasuki the serpent king in the pegs,
- Moon in the Jeevala (the cotton thread pieces used between the string and the bridge) and
- Sun God in the frets,
Sunday, 18 April 2021
Thursday, 18 February 2021
BrahmaSutra Revealed to Parusharama by Ganesha Seen by Vyasa
- 108
- 16
- 20 VFX agencies are roped in for this series
- 25
- 32
- 520
- 64
- 78
- 9 Roles A Brother Plays In His Sister’s Life
- Aaron Moses
- Abode
- Action
- Adidas and Puma
- AdiMadhyaAnth
- Agama
- Age
- Agrahayana
- Akbar
- Aksh
- Akshauhini
- All in One
- Allah
- Alphabet
- Amb
- Amritwani
- AnandaKanda
- Ancestor
- Anda
- Anger
- Angle
- Aparājitā Vidyā
- Argument
- Arjuna
- Arti
- Ash
- Ashoka
- Ashtavakra
- Atma
- Aum
- Avatar
- Ay
- AZ
- Ba
- Bad
- Banasura
- BarbarikaVijaya
- Bath
- Beauty
- Bed
- Beg
- Bha
- Bhai Phonta
- Bhairav
- BhautikBhautikiBhagavanBhagavatiBrahmanBrahmaniMayaMayaviParamParamatmaShunyaShunyavati
- Bhavnath
- Bhu
- Bhubaneswar
- Biofuel
- Birth
- Blood
- BodyBoneSkull
- Bole Ram
- bombay
- Both
- Br
- BrahmachariBrahmacharini
- Brahman
- BrahmaVishnuShivaSpouses
- Brain
- Break
- brethren
- Bro Bible
- Caste
- Chakras
- Challenge
- Circle
- Coin
- Color
- columbia
- Comb
- Consume
- ConsumerCustomer
- Corona
- Cosmos
- Couple
- Cousins
- Cow
- Create
- Critic
- Croco
- Customized
- Cut
- Cute
- cutest
- D - Day
- Da
- Daksha
- Dam
- Dance
- Danger
- Dashami
- dawn midday dusk
- day
- Deity
- Desire
- DevDeviDevil
- DeviMaya
- Dignified
- DogElephantMonkey
- Dolls
- Duality
- EagleSwanPeacock
- Earth
- Ek
- Enemy
- Epic
- Epics
- Exchange
- Exist
- Eye
- Family
- Fast and Furious
- Fee
- Fight
- FiveHeads
- flag
- Flute
- FluteConch
- Forgot
- FormingFormFormless
- Four
- FourBrothers
- FourSisters
- Fraternities and sororities
- Friend
- FrontBackLeftRightTopBottom
- FT
- Game
- Gan
- Gangamma
- GargaGargi
- Gayatri
- Gir
- Gitas
- GODEnergyBodyMindIntelEgoSpiritSoul
- govinda
- Gran
- Guardians of the directions
- Gurjar
- Ha
- Half
- Hand
- Hanuman
- Having
- Head
- HeroHeroine
- HinduismJainismBuddhismSikhism
- Hit and Cling
- Holy
- Horse
- HumanAnimalBirdPlantGodGoddess
- illusionbroken
- immortal
- Incest
- IndraIndrani
- Indrajit
- Infinity
- information
- io
- irritate
- Islam
- Island
- Issues
- IT World
- JagannathBaladevaSubhadra
- JerusalemMeccaMedina
- Ji
- joke
- Kad
- Kadam
- KailashGaurikundRakshastalMansarovar
- Kakbhushundi
- Kal
- Kalidasa
- Kalpa
- Kama
- KamaAshBhandasuraPradyumna
- Kar
- Kevala
- Kili Neema
- Kri
- krishna
- Kuber
- Kumbakonam
- Lad
- Lakh
- Lalita
- LapTop
- lata asha
- Latwal
- Less
- LingaYoni
- LivingNonLiving
- Logos
- Loka
- Lotus
- Love
- MadanMundan
- Mah
- Major
- Mall
- Malladi
- Mansarovar
- Mantra
- Manvantara
- Marie
- Marriage
- MaterialSpiritualVoidCombo
- MawlidMakarSankrantiPongalLohriBihuSongkran
- maya
- Meditation
- Meet
- Memories
- MillionBillionTrillionZillionGazillionJillionSquillion
- Mind
- Modes
- Moksha
- Moment
- Moon
- MosesJesusMuhammad
- Mouth
- Mu
- Mukuta
- Multi
- Music
- MW
- Mystery
- Name
- Nath
- Nav
- Navami
- Neem
- Newborn
- Nila
- OmAum
- OmAummm
- One
- Orchestra
- Origin
- Panch
- Pancha Kshethram
- Para
- Parenting
- Pathan Brothers with their Father.
- Pati
- PestlePlough
- Pi
- Pizza Paratha
- Play
- poornavalli
- PoorRich
- Pot
- Prachetas
- Prahlad
- Pran
- Prayag
- Pregnancy
- PresidentPrimeminister
- PrimarySecondaryTertiaryAfter
- Principle
- Prison
- Priya
- Prophet
- Protect
- Pulatsya
- PurushaPrakriti
- Ra
- Rainbow
- Râjaka
- Raksha
- Rape
- Rathi
- Realistic Vs Dramatic
- Relationships
- Replica
- Return
- Ride
- Rivalry
- River
- Road
- Rock
- sabri
- Sacrifice
- Sad
- Sam
- Sar
- Sara
- SargaVisarga
- Sat
- Satcitananda
- Second
- Secret
- Self
- Seven
- Sex
- Sha
- Shak
- Sharabha
- Shi
- Shoe
- Shravan
- Shu
- ShunyaArupaRupa
- Sibling
- Sikh
- Silence
- Sin
- SivanandaVijayalakshmi
- Sky
- Sleep Sit Walk
- Slippers
- Snake
- Soldier
- SolidLiquidGasPlasma
- SomnathPrabhasTriveni
- SonDaughter
- Special Needs
- spouse
- Srirangam
- Star
- Sub
- Suffer
- SunMoonEarthStarSkyBody
- Supreme
- Surprise
- Sutra
- Swan
- Symbol
- Tag
- Taj
- tales from history and mythology
- Tattva
- Test
- Thirumandhamkunnu
- Thirumeyachur
- Thread
- Three
- ThreeTrinity
- Tiger
- Tiolet
- Tom and Jerry
- Transfer
- Tree
- Treta
- Triassic
- Tribhanga
- trigram
- Trikut
- Triloka
- Trimurti
- Trinity
- Triplet
- Tripur
- Turtle
- TV
- Two Moms
- Types
- Understand
- UniversalForm
- Universe
- Vajra
- Vakra
- Value
- Veda
- Vedadri
- Veena
- VeenaCounchDrum
- Vehicle
- Venkatesh
- Vib
- Vidya
- Vijay
- Virus
- Void
- Volution
- Wait
- War
- Way
- Wealth
- Weapon
- Why
- Will you be my brother sister
- without
- WorkLifeBalance
- WorldReligions
- Worship
- Yam
- Yantra
- Yawn
- Yog